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圖檔:(開新視窗) 聘任日期:90年8月
姓  名:林睿琳
職  級:教授
學  歷:國立彰化師範大學工業教育與技術學系博士
國立雲林科技大學工業設計系 碩士
國立雲林技術學院工業設計技術系 學士
信  箱
經  歷:
建國科技大學商業設計系 教授 (教字第143116號)
建國科技大學創意生活應用設計研究所 教授 (教字第143116號)
建國科技大學商業設計系 副教授 (副字第042506號)
建國科技大學商業設計系 助理教授 (助理字第014552號)
建國科技大學商業設計系 講師 (講字第063186號)
建國技術學院商業設計系 講師 (講字第063186號)
建國技術學院電機工程系 講師 (講字第063186號)
國立彰化師範大學工業教育學系 助教
YARNGUARD國際貿易公司 設計師
山二皮件公司產品開發部 設計師
彰化全興幼兒學苑國小課業 輔導教師兼家教
彰化立人幼稚園附設國小課業 輔導教師兼家教
彰化裕毛屋化妝品專櫃 銷售專員
與 UN SDGs 相關的專業知識,作品有助於以下永續發展目標:
擔任105學年度第2學期建性平字第10502號案性別事件調查委員(2017/2/14 & 2/20)。
擔任104學年度第2學期建性平字第10403號案性別事件調查委員(2016/6/6 & 6/17)。
計畫主持人,子計畫 2-1 設計專業課程融入多元實務學習,112年高等教育深耕計畫,教育部,2023/1/1-12/31,$263,800(含配合款$68,900)。
大學雙語教師專業發展課程結業證書,2023,EMI PD Center,教育部委辦,7/21。
林睿琳,2014,可具多種顏色之噴槍瓶結構,發明,第I 460019號,2014/11/11-2031/11/3,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,防盜乳製瓶保溫盒,發明,第I 395566號,2013/5/11-2030/1/17,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
周子閏,林睿琳,謝景晨,2014,吸盤式節能燈球,新型,第M 485365號,2014/9/1-2024/4/10,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
黃聖祖,林睿琳,謝景晨,2014,身障人士鞋底結構,新型,第M 483694號,2014/8/11-2024/5/1,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林嘉佑,黃鼎凱,林睿琳,謝景晨,2014,具抽氣收納之打氣機,新型,第M 476183號,2014/4/11-2023/9/30,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林郁慈,林睿琳,謝景晨,2014,具書本照明之雷射筆,新型,第M 472353號,2014/2/11-2023/7/25,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
周子閏,林睿琳,謝景晨,2014,吸入式二氧化碳捕蚊罐,新型,第M 469747號,2014/1/11-2023/6/6,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
楊雅婷,胡景升,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,照明警示筆,新型,第M 466200號,2013/11/21-2023/7/22,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
陳瀅,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,可扣結在免洗杯上之湯匙握把,新型,第M 465851號,2013/11/21-2023/7/22,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
劉柄麟,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,氣密油畫調色盤,新型,第M 455628號,2013/6/21-2022/12/12,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
劉柄麟,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,基準定向三角板,新型,第M 450722號,2013/4/11-2022/12/12,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,謝景晨,許世芳,2013,可攜式離心濾水器,新型,第M 450414號,2013/4/11-2022/12/12,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
劉柄麟,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,空氣對流器發電以供逃生指示及開啟鐵捲門之系統,新型,第M 446220號,2013/2/1-2022/8/20,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
劉柄麟,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,自行車可調整發電量之結構,新型,第M 445533號,2013/1/21-2022/8/20,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
劉柄麟,林睿琳,謝景晨,楊蕙君,2013,如廁感應計時之安全裝置,新型,第M 445232號,2013/1/11-2022/8/27,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
楊蕙君,林睿琳,謝景晨,2013,具催眠及警示報讀之環扣,新型,第M 444069號,2013/1/1-2022/7/23,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
黃聖傑,林睿琳,謝景晨,2012,導盲杖,新型,第M 436360號,2012/9/1-2022/4/12,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
陳威彰,林睿琳,謝景晨,2012,便利型手指套菜瓜布,新型,第M 433845號,2012/7/21-2022/3/29,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,2011,泳池濾水罩自動防護設施,新型,第M 402920號,2011/5/1-2020/11/15,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,2011,雷射定向投影裝置,新型,第M 402847號,2011/5/1-2020/11/18,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,2011,教學用三角板,新型,第M 404123號,2011/5/21-2020/10/06,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,謝景晨,2009,泳帽顯示裝置,新型,第M 366400號,2009/10/11-2019/04/30,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,2009,語言學習機,新式樣,第D 131346號,2009/10/11-2020/5/18,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
林睿琳,2009,電話機,新式樣,第D 128836號,2009/5/21-2020/5/18,經濟部智慧財產局,中華民國。
Acoustica Mixcraft Certified Associate Program, Level 1, No.CA5112220628, 2022/12/22.
CyberLink Certified Professional, PowerDirector, Certificated ID. CCP-PDR180000187, 2022/02/21.
Adobe Certified Professional, Graphic Design & Illustration using Adobe Illustrator 2021 (v 24.x), LQQW-sFWc, November 13, 2021.
Adobe Certified Associate, Visual Design using Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 (v 21.x), wMCoG-H9yn, November 7, 2020.
CIW TAIWAN Web Designer, CAXPQTA20140707005, Certified Internet Webmaster, 2014/07/07.
CIW Design Professional, Graphic Design, CAXP25002341406250070, Certified Internet Webmaster, 2014/07/04.
CIW Animation Professional, Animation Design, CAXP25002331406250070, Certified Internet Webmaster, 2014/07/04.
CIW Web Professional, Web Design, CAXP25002311406250070, Certified Internet Webmaster, 2014/07/04.
Adobe Certified Associate, Graphic Design & Illustration using Adobe Illustrator, wy Yhu-4Se9, May 29, 2014.
Adobe Certified Associate in Rich Media Communication using Adobe Flash CS3 (ACA), APES-wQDV, June 10, 2010.
Adobe Certified Associate in Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS3 (ACA), YC3U-kxRe, December 11, 2009.
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 Certified, 73565, December 13, 2009.
林睿琳、曾曄鴻、黃郁茜、周庭綺,參加2023 WICO韓國世界發明創新競賽-作品「隨身防疫瓶」榮獲「銀牌」,韓國大學發明協會(KUIA),首爾貿易會展中心(7/27~7/29)。
林睿琳、黃佳惠、粘詒庭、吳詩婷,參加2023 第 15 屆歐洲盃國際創新發明展-作品「盲人導航杖」榮獲「金牌」,羅馬尼亞發明人協會、歐洲資訊中心委員會,雅西文化宮殿(5/11~5/13)。
林睿琳、侯如芳、詹欣穎、尤宣晴、林秋美,參加2022 MIIE澳門國際創新發明展暨競賽-作品「花式自轉刷」榮獲「金牌」,澳門創新發明協會,Macao Science Center 澳門科學館(10月)。
林睿琳、張舒喬、陳鈺錞、施品竹,參加2021 第十二屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽-作品「拉鍊式雨衣設計」榮獲「銅牌」,中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明協會,台北(11/18)。
林睿琳、劉柄麟、蘇弘益,參加2016第8屆歐洲盃國際創新發明展-作品「萬里尋蹤環」榮獲「金牌」與「土耳其特別獎」,Romanian Inventors Forum, Europe Direct Lasi,羅馬尼亞國際展覽館(5/19~5/21)。
黃聖祖、謝子忻、謝子祈、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2015泰國INVENTOR’S DAY國際發明展-作品「變色立可帶」榮獲「銅牌」與「馬來西亞特別獎」,泰國國家研究委員會(2/2~2/5)。
謝景晨、林睿琳、周奕筑,參加2014第5屆CIGIF韓國網路國際發明競賽-作品「髮夾項鍊」榮獲「金牌」(2014 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair),韓國發明網路新聞論壇,(11/22)。
黃聖祖、林睿琳、周子閏,參加2014第5屆CIGIF韓國網路國際發明競賽-作品「指紋卡」榮獲「金牌」(2014 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair),韓國發明網路新聞論壇,(11/22)。
林睿琳、周子閏,參加2014第5屆CIGIF韓國網路國際發明競賽-作品「運動賽事之RFID的應用裝置」榮獲「金牌」(2014 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair),韓國發明網路新聞論壇,(11/22)。
林郁慈、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2014第5屆CIGIF韓國網路國際發明競賽-作品「具書本照明之雷射筆」榮獲「銀牌」(2014 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair),韓國發明網路新聞論壇,(11/22)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、周子閏,參加2014第5屆CIGIF韓國網路國際發明競賽-作品「遠端自動監控裝置」榮獲「銀牌」(2014 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair),韓國發明網路新聞論壇,(11/22)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、周子閏,參加2014 MIIE澳門國際創新發明展-作品「吸入式二氧化碳捕蚊罐」榮獲「金牌」與「印尼特別獎」,Macao Innovation & Invention Association World Invention Intellectual Property Associations(6/28~6/30)。
林睿琳、劉柄麟、周子閏,參加2014 IYIA印尼國際青少年發明競賽-作品「吸盤式節能燈球」榮獲「金牌」與「羅馬尼亞特別獎」,印尼青少年科技創新協會(AYISI)(6/4~6/6)。
李紹鳴、林睿琳、謝景晨、周子閏,參加2014第5屆i-ENVEX國際青少年發明競賽-作品「輔具防護裝置」榮獲「金牌」與「馬來西亞特別獎」,ENVEX Young Researcher Club (EYReC),University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP),Ministry of Higher Education(4/11~4/13)。
黃聖祖、林睿琳、謝景晨、李亭慧,參加2014第5屆i-ENVEX國際青少年發明競賽-作品「增高鞋墊LED節能裝置」榮獲「銅牌」與「韓國特別獎」,ENVEX Young Researcher Club (EYReC),University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP),Ministry of Higher Education(4/11~4/13)。
林睿琳、周子閏,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「語言學習機」榮獲「銀牌」(12/16)。
周子閏、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「環保節能捕蚊罐設計」榮獲「銀牌」(12/16)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、周子閏,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「智慧型省電裝置影像電話」榮獲「銅牌」(12/16)。
許世芳、林睿琳、周子閏,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「智慧型節電濾水器」榮獲「銅牌」(12/16)。
林嘉佑、黃鼎凱、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「具抽氣收納之打氣機」榮獲「銅牌」(12/16)。
陳瀅、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「湯匙握把」榮獲「銅牌」(12/16)。
林建男、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013 IIIC國際創新發明海報競賽-作品「防外漏之飲料蓋扣」榮獲「銅牌」(12/16)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「自行車可調整發電量之結構」榮獲「金牌」(11/23)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「空氣對流器發電以供逃生指示及開啟鐵捲門之系統」榮獲「金牌」(11/23)。
周子閏、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「吸入式二氧化碳捕蚊罐」榮獲「金牌」(11/23)。
謝子忻、謝子祈、林睿琳,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「書籤筆」榮獲「金牌」(11/23)。
陳瀅、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「湯匙握把」榮獲「金牌」(11/23)。
黃志鑫、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「測速卡」榮獲「銀牌」(11/23)。
林建男、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「防外漏之飲料蓋扣」榮獲「銀牌」(11/23)。
林嘉佑、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「具抽氣收納之打氣機」榮獲「銀牌」(11/23)。
楊雅婷、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「照明警示筆」榮獲「銀牌」(11/23)。
黃聖祖、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2013第4屆CIGIF韓國國際英才發明展(2013 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2013)-作品「身障人士鞋底結構」榮獲「銀牌」(11/23)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、謝景晨、洪珨隆、林嘉雅、周子閏,參加2013第38屆INOVA克羅埃西亞國際發明展-作品「防盜乳製瓶保溫盒」榮獲「金牌」&「EYReC 特別獎」&「Korea University Invention Association特別獎」(11/12~11/17)。
林睿琳、謝景晨、劉柄麟、許世芳、楊蕙君,參加2013韓國國際青少年發明競賽(2013 International Youth Invention Contest, IYIC)-作品「如廁感應計時安全裝置」榮獲「金牌」&「EYReC特別獎」(8/6~8/8)。
謝景晨、林睿琳、許世芳、劉柄麟、周子閏,參加2013韓國國際青少年發明競賽(2013 International Youth Invention Contest, IYIC)-作品「吸入式二氧化碳捕蚊罐」榮獲「銀牌」&「EYReC特別獎」(8/6~8/8)。
林睿琳、謝景晨、陳威彰,參加European Satellite Navigation Competition 2012-作品「長程水中競賽GPS手環」榮獲「波蘭組入圍」(12/10)。
林睿琳、劉柄麟、謝景晨,參加2012韓國國際發明展(2012 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2012)-作品「教學用三角板」榮獲「金牌」與「KIA韓國發明協會特別獎」(11/25)。
劉柄麟、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2012韓國國際發明展(2012 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2012)-作品「噴槍瓶結構設計」榮獲「金牌」(11/25)。
楊蕙君、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2012韓國國際發明展(2012 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2012)-作品「Baby體溫感測手環」榮獲「銀牌」(11/25)。
林睿琳、劉柄麟、黃聖傑,參加2012韓國國際發明展(2012 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair, CIGIF 2012)-作品「白手杖」榮獲「銀牌」(11/25)。
許世芳、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2011 Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair (CIGIF 2011韓國國際發明展)-作品「可攜式離心濾水器」榮獲「金牌」與兩項「特別獎」(8/25)。
林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2011 Life Invention Green Growth Contest in Korea (韓國國際生活創意綠能發明競賽)-作品「泳帽顯示裝置」榮獲「金牌」(7/28)。
許世芳、林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2011 Life Invention Green Growth Contest in Korea (韓國國際生活創意綠能發明競賽)-作品「可攜式離心濾水器」榮獲「銀牌」(7/28)。
謝景晨、林睿琳,參加2011 Life Invention Green Growth Contest in Korea (韓國國際生活創意綠能發明競賽)-作品「潛水用LED顯示裝置」榮獲「銅牌」(7/28)。
林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2011 ITEX馬來西亞國際發明展-作品「泳帽顯示裝置」榮獲「金牌」(5/20~5/22)。
謝景晨、林睿琳,參加2011 ITEX馬來西亞國際發明展-作品「觸控式LED顯示裝置」榮獲「銀牌」(5/20~5/22)。
林睿琳、謝景晨,參加2010國際創新發明大會(2010 The International Innovative Invention Poster Competition)-作品「泳帽顯示裝置」榮獲「銀牌」, Ambassador Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, (9/26~9/29).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2023, Creative Conceptual Study of the Blind Navigation Cane, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 10(10), August, pp. 68-71. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2023, Portfolio Creation Study- A Case Study of a Student's Work, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 10(9), August, pp. 58-64. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2023, Research on Visual Environmental Posters Creative Design, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 10(8), August, pp. 13-21. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2022, Creative Design Research on Hands-on Color Play, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9(11), November, pp. 9-17. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2022, Research on the Creative Design of Freehand Zentangle Art, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9(9), September, pp. 39-47. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2022, Research on the Visual Pattern Deformation Design of Leather Carving Commodities, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9(3), March, pp. 161-165. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2022, Research on Handcrafted Products of the Graduation Design Course, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9(1), January, pp. 97-105. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2021, Research on Creative Invention of Key Reminder Sensing Device, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2), February, pp. 2558-2561. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2020, Study of Hand-Painted Graffiti Creation in the Graduation Design Curriculum, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 5(12), December, pp. 2038-2044. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2020, Applied Research on Guiding the Learning Process of the Graduation Design Curriculum for Special Students, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 5(9), September, pp. 1670-1676. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2020, Study of the Results of the Graduation Design Course- the Example of Courage Gamadiam, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, An International Journal of Research and Surveys, ICIC International, 11(4), April, pp. 347-353. (ISSN 2185-2766). Index by INSPEC (IET), Scopus (Elsevier).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2019, Applied Research on the Teaching Unit of Learning Colors through Playing with Colors, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 4(4), April, pp. 497-521. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2019, A Creative Research on Walking out of Bullying Incidents through Game Cards, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, An International Journal of Research and Surveys, ICIC International, 10(3), March, pp. 251-258. (ISSN 2185-2766). Index by INSPEC (IET), Scopus (Elsevier).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2019, Research on the Teaching of Aesthetic Design in the Photography of Coastal Scenic Spots, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1), January, pp. 388-392. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2018, Study of the Graduation Design Course Teaching Practice- Taking the Lonely Dog as an Example, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(11), December, pp. 134-141. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, Exploring the Issue of School Bullying and the Innovative Product Development of Game Cards, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, An International Journal of Research and Surveys, 8(11), ICIC International, November, pp. 1553-1558. (ISSN 2185-2766). Index by INSPEC (IET), Scopus (Elsevier).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, Creative Research of Teachers Collaborating to Coach Second Year Senior High School Students in the Design and Life Class, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2(8), August, pp. 251-254. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, A Study of the Participation of Students and Teacher in the Taiwan Society of Basic Design and Art International Exhibition from 2012 to 2017, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2(6), June, pp. 231-237. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, A Study of Lions Club International’s Creative Work Contest, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2(4), April, pp. 216-220. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, Research on Tote Bag Visual Creations, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), March, pp. 207-211. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, Applications of RFID: Using the Protection Device for Movement Auxiliary Equipment as an Example, International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 5(1), February, pp. 35-38. (ISSN 2301-380X).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, Visual Creation Research on 4K Paper, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2(2), February, pp. 200-206. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2017, Research on T-Shirt Visual Creation, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1), January, pp. 194-199. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Creative Thinking Research for the International Invention Show in Croatia, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, 2(12), December, pp. 1193-1200. (ISSN 2458-925X).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Research on Guiding Strategic Alliance Schools to Participate in International Invention Exhibition and Competitions, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, 2(12), December, pp. 1217-1219. (ISSN 2458-925X).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Study on Creative Depiction of Animals, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(4), November, pp. 143-145. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Innovative Design and Development of Customized Bride Cookies, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(4), November, pp. 130-132. (ISSN: 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, A Study on the Love for the Nth Time Yonkoma Contest, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(4), November, pp. 120-124. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, A Study on the Creation of Visual Arts on Paper Bags, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(4), November, pp. 115-119. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Teaching Achievement Study of Creative Design Competitions, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 536, November, pp. 72-79. (ISSN 2194-5357). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Creative Design Study of Rectangular Electric Mosquito Swatter, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(3), September, pp. 106-108. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Creative Design Study of Luminous Stroller, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(3), September, pp. 103-105. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Innovative Product Design of an Eco-Friendly and Energy-Saving Mosquito Trapping Can, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies, 2(7), July, pp. 642-646. (ISSN 2458-925X).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Creative Invention Research of Thousand-Mile Tracking Band, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(2), July, pp. 85-87. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Creative Invention Research of Directional Ceiling Light Reflector, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(2), July, pp. 82-84. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Creative Design Study of Special Function Pens, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 1(2), July, pp. 66-70. (ISSN 2528-9810).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Innovative Packaging Visual Design for Sweetmeats, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 3(3), July, pp. 515-518. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Innovative Visual Design of Packaging for Handmade Wormwood Skin Care Product, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 3(3), July, pp. 50-54. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Innovative Product Design of Inflator with Deflate Function for Easy Storage, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 3(3), July, pp. 9-12. (ISSN 2394-2630).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Sole Structure Design for the Disabled, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research, 1(4), June, pp. 181-185. (ISSN 2456-3676)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, The Innovative Product Design of the Energy-Saving Suction Light Ball, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, An International Journal of Research and Surveys, 7(5), ICIC International, May, pp. 1099-1104. (ISSN 2185-2766). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Contact Lenses-Innovative Product and Visual Packaging Design, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 11(3), May-Jun., pp. 111-115. (e-ISSN 2278-2834, p-ISSN 2278-8735).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, Design Research on Clip-on Spoon for Disposable Cups with Handle Function, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 3(5), May, pp. 38-41. (ISSN 2349-4506).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2016, 2015 Taiwan International Student Design Competition-Using the Chienkuo Technology University as an Example, IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 6(2), Mar.-Apr., pp. 133-137. (e-ISSN 2320-7388, p-ISSN 2320-737X).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2015, The Creative Innovative Research and Development of the Mouse, International Journal of Research In Social Sciences, 5(6), International Journal of Scientific Knowledge, August 31th, pp. 44-47. (ISSN 2307-227X).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2015, The Creative Innovative Research and Development of the Surround Ceiling Fan and Lamp, International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 40(1), ARF Sourcing Islamabad Pakistan, August 29th, pp. 87-90. (ISSN 2304-0777).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2015, A Study of Innovative Design and Development of Hand-Made Diet Product Series, Agriculture and Food Sciences Research, 2(2), Asian Online Journal Publishing Group, Associated with Scientific Group SDN BHD. Malaysia, August 29th, pp. 40-43. (ISSN 2411-6653).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2015, The Innovative Product Design of a Wristband with a Lulling Babies to Sleep and Body Temperature Detection, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 2(8), Srivilliputtur, Virudhunagar Dist., Tamilnadu, India, August 17th, pp. 265-271. (ISSN 2348-7968).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2015, A Study of the Innovative Product Design for Wetland Protection, International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 39(1), ARF Sourcing Islamabad Pakistan, July 29th, pp. 99-104. (ISSN 2304-0777).
Rui-Lin Lin, 2015, The International Competition of Innovative Propaganda Poster Design for Agricultural Environmental Protection, Information, Computer and Application Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group, London, July, pp. 1021-1024. (ISBN 9781138027176). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, Adult Picture Book Creation with Mixed Media-Using a Story of “Forfeiting Lives” as an Example, Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group, London, October, pp. 743-746. (ISBN 9781138026698)(DOI 10.1201/b17568-156). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, Adult Picture Book Creation with Mixed Media-Using a Story of a Crime of Passion as an Example, Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group, London, October, pp. 739-742. (ISBN 9781138026698)(DOI 10.1201/b17568-155). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, Adult Picture Book Creation with Mixed Media-Using a Story of the Case of the Disappearing Bodies as an Example, Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group, London, October, pp. 735-738. (ISBN 9781138026698)(DOI 10.1201/b17568-154). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, Adult Picture Book Creation with Mixed Media-Using a Story of "Weirdness" as an Example, Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group, London, October, pp. 731-734. (ISBN 9781138026698) (DOI 10.1201/b17568-153). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, A Study of the Teaching and Learning in the CIGIF 2012 Korean International Invention Competition, Simulation and Modelling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications Volume II, WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 60, WIT PRESS, pp.1345-1353 (ISSN 1746-4064)(print), (ISSN 1743-355X)(online). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, A Study of the Teaching and Learning of the International Innovation and Invention Poster Competition, Simulation and Modelling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications Volume II, WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 60, WIT PRESS, pp.1337-1344. (ISSN 1746-4064)(print), (ISSN 1743-355X)(online). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, Industrial Product Innovative Design of Toilet Sensor Timer, Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 18(3), Transport and Telecommunication Institute, pp. 179-182. (ISSN 1407-5806)(print), (ISSN 1407-5814)(online)( (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, A Design Science Study of Picture Book Creation with Mixed Media, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 496-500, pp. 2803-2806. (ISSN 1660-9336). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, A Study of the Design Aesthetics of Picture Book Creation Using Mixed Media, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 496-500, pp. 2799-2802. (ISSN 1660-9336). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, A Study of the Innovative Design of Picture Book Creation Using Mixed Media, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 496-500, pp. 2683-2686. (ISSN 1660-9336). (EI)
Rui-Lin Lin, 2014, The Innovative Product Design of the Superhighway Speed Card, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 496-500, pp. 2679-2682. (ISSN 1660-9336). (EI)